Dutch Language A Step Without Feet 179

Language 179 A Step Without Feet




  1. Documentary
  2. Release year - 2017
  3. writer - Jeremy Glaholt
  4. Review - A Step Without Feet is a documentary about sharing our cultures through universal themes like music, family, friends, and art. Within the backdrop of Berlins winter landscape, we captured the daily lives of seven extraordinary Syrians exiled from their home. In 2015 co-director Lydia Schamsula started volunteering, in Berlin, Germany, to help Syrian people fleeing the war.  After seeing the difficulties faced by many people desperately seeking asylum, she couldn't help but think, "there must be a way to help."  She began to create a community of friends within Berlin's 'new' Syrian community.  When visiting Lydia in early 2016, Jeremy learned of her interactions with the Syrian community as well as the prejudices they faced while living under the stigma of their political status.  It was clear to us that most people we knew, including ourselves, were heavily influenced by the medias portrayal of the Syrian "refugee" and that there were few to little media outlets showing the true humanity and many bright colors of Berlin's new members.  We were immediately called to action and made a plan to shoot a documentary showing the true face and humanity of our Syrian friends.  We want to show the world the true essence and beauty of the Syrian culture now thriving in Berlin

A Step Without Feet Full Movie, 2018 live steam: Watch online. A Step Without Feet Streaming Free Films to Watch Online including Series Trailers and Series Clips. Watch A Step Without Feet Online, Fidelity Labs. A Step Without Feet español es Film.